PDF version of CV (last updated 12/24).
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
BSc in Physics, Expected 2026
Research Experience
Summer Intern
April 2023 – present
- Mentors: William Balmer (JHU), Prof. David Sing (JHU)
- Using WIYN/NEID radial velocity data to precisely measure the mass of a low-density Saturn
Undergraduate Researcher
January 2022 – present
- Mentor: Dr. Néstor Espinoza (STScI)
- Searched for transit depth variability among a large sample of exoplanets using TESS data
- Used a variety of statistical methods to analyze the significance of depth variability signals
Independent Researcher
March 2021 – August 2021
- Developed data pipeline for identifying false positives among exoplanet candidates
- Analyzed 100k+ TESS full-frame images; reclassified 10 exoplanet candidates as eclipsing binaries
Two first-author publications in prep
15+ co-author publications; full list on ADS and Google Scholar