High-Resolution Ground-Based Spectroscopy (2024 – present)

I am analyzing high-resolution ground-based spectra of a brown dwarf and its M dwarf host star. Our main aims are to compare the chemical makeup of the two objects and to search for 13CO, a molecule which may inform formation history.

Reducing 1/f Noise for JWST’s Near-Infrared Detectors (2023 – present)

Currently, 1/f noise is the largest contributor to the noise floor of the James Webb Space Telescope’s near-infrared detectors. It manifests as vertical bands on acquired images, similar to the simulated image shown here, and this project explores reducing such noise through a Bayesian-based framework.

A Precision Mass Measurement of a Low-Density Saturn (2023 – present)

This project uses photometric data from TESS and ground-based spectroscopic data to provide a precise mass measurement of a low-density Saturn. Planet visualization on right from NASA Exoplanet Archive. More details soon!

Automating the Search for Nearby Eclipsing Binaries among TOIs (2021)

Identifying False Positives within TESS Exoplanet Candidates (2021)